I was always warned that when life gives you lemons to make lemonade but funnily enough, life never really gave me lemons, just a lot of shit. I'd never heard of 'shitanade' before so I didn't know how to deal with it.
Sometimes shit really does hit the fan in your life and that was kind of what happened to me over the winter. The whirlwind that was starting uni and working in retail store hit me kind of hard but unlike Dorothy who landed in techno-coloured dream land Oz, my rainy shit storm landed me in Shepherds Bush! I'm now on a months break from University I can finally get back into what I love doing the most... talking about myself. As shallow as it sounds, I really have missed dressing up, going to locations and taking pictures with my girl. (www.gemilycxx.blogspot.co.uk) (have a look at her blog)
Making the most of what you've got is something that I religiously live by especially when it comes to my style and the clothes I wear. I found that whacking a basic belt round a poncho/large scarf gave me a brand new outfit without having to spend any money, I elevated the look with a pair of my favourite stripper boots (pretty woman stripper, not actual stripper) and a small clutch... I've run out of things to say so,
Enough from me, M.E.P

Divine !!!!!